I'd say you should put in at least a year to account for Tyranny of Dragons, which occurs prior to this adventure. The Sundering occurred in either 1484 or 1485 DR and marked the beginning of the D&D Next playtest era. The Spellplague hit in 1385 DR, which marked the beginning of 4th edition. There is a sidebar on page 13 that says that this adventure is assumed to be set after the year 1485 DR. This adventure definitely takes place after Tyranny of Dragons. When Does This Adventure Take Place? The timeline is kept purposely vague to suit your campaign. At the end, I have included a sample campaign so newer DMs can get an idea of how to put this adventure together. This guide has a lot of stuff that should make your life easier. pdf, we are going to go over Storm King’s Thunder and discuss the things you need to know when running the adventure.